Saturday, January 26, 2008

Yes I am Involved

How can I be attached to this place.... Today was my last day with just me and kids hanging out in Michener Park and I find myself feeling sad about this. Erika is heading off to spend a few days in Medicine Hat with Grandma Snyder after her party on Sunday so it's just me and Reesey as of Monday. I have dreamed of the day we would pack up and head out of here but now it's time and it dosen't seem like i pictured it. Maybe because Jeff still is not fully finished and we aren't moving into my dream house 10 blocks from here. Don't get me wrong this adventure is amazing to me and I know we are going to make a lifetime of memories as a family. At the same time we are a family of 4 now and with that comes so much my adventuresome side can't run quite as free as it has in the past. Once we are out of here and freeloading off of family i'm sure I won't even remember my posh life in Michener and will be able to wrap my mind around this next time in our lives.
Well, that was definatley the feminine side of this blog. Alot of rambling about feelings. Sorry to the guys who visit, but hey the girls had to read about all the technical question/issues posted earlier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the feminine side of the Blog...thank goodness for estrogen. I love Jeff, but an emotion now and then is nice...jokes jeff, I know you're an emotional fellow too.