Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hmmm. Nothing yet. Tomorrow, Jodi will be the same overdueness as she was with Reese. We're having burgers for supper on Christmas Eve. I even bought the "American style mega-burger" buns. Definitely traditional. I think duck is the traditional Christmasy meal here.

Jodi and Jeff


Anonymous said...

Oh guys, I'm so sorry it's taking so long. what can you do? I wait quietly...and trust me that is so hard right now. We're heading off to bowl tomorrow, so I would really like to be able to share some news. No pressure!!!! Love ya Lesley

K_I_T_ said...

Hey...just checkin in on you guys. Seeing if Jodes was still prego...obviously yes. Hope babe comes out soon, or maybe already has, but just havn't had time to post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!!
Imo just told me today that you had your baby! That is awesome! What did you name her? That is one thing that she didn't know!!! I am not sure if you knew or not, but we had our third just about 8 months ago - a boy - Laken! So now we are even!! 3 each! We were just in Edmonton a few weeks ago, and we were thinking of you guys, Can't wait until you get back and we can all catch up!! we are now outnumbered by our children!

Love Cam and Jill

K_I_T_ said...

Hey...keep checking back here for some updates. Hope all is good...