Thursday, February 19, 2009

Recap continued: Erika's first day of school (Sept 11, 2008)

In Germany kindergarten starts really early, so to try and fit in a bit better, we thought it would be a good idea to put Erika in it. We found a cute little one three blocks from our place and it is a Sport kindergarten, so apparently they do lots of activity during the day. Erika got all dressed up in her first day of school outfit:

It was nice to have Grandma Green around to help out with calming Erika as she went. She was pretty excited and nervous. This is just outside our place on the walk to school:Jodi stuck around for the day to see how things went and they were rolling around on some skateboardy things for a while:

Phew, that was pretty stressful to think we put her in school when she was only three and a half. She stays 3.5 hours a day now, but started at 5 hours a day. Seems like a lot. She definitely went through the honeymoon stage, and is now quite happy to come home before lunch. We are hoping when the language comes she might start to really enjoy it. She did get invited to her first birthday party the other day from a girl at school, and she is just thrilled about that, so that is pretty neat. By the way, starting with yesterday, you can click on the pictures and they get really big. At least it works for me.

Jeff and Jodi

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